The Course

Jump right into the fascinating world of Technical Program Management, where the gears of complex engineering projects interlock. In this primer, you'll peel back the layers of essential principles that define successful tech program management. We're talking about mastering the art of planning, execution, and leading cross-functional teams to deliver cutting-edge products. You'll learn how to navigate the roadmap from concept to launch, all while keeping your eyes on quality, budgets, and oh-so-tight timelines. Not just that, but we'll also dig into risk management and effective communication strategies that keep everyone from engineers to stakeholders humming along in harmony.

Now, why should you care? Because, in today's fast-paced tech landscape, companies are on the hunt for savvy individuals who can juggle the tech and the talk. By assimilating the tools and methodologies taught in this course, you'll position yourself as the strategic glue in tech initiatives, large and small. Whether you aim to streamline software development, roll out telecom networks, or lead the next-gen wearable tech, these skills translate into real-world prowess. And hey, who doesn't like being the lynchpin in a team that brings game-changing tech to life? Roll up your sleeves; it's time to evolve into the tech program management maestro that every company desires.

What you will learn

Embarking on this journey, I was driven by the desire to demystify the often complex world of tech project coordination for newcomers like you. You're stepping into a carefully structured exploration, designed to unfold the multifaceted role of a program manager with clarity and practical insight. Each module builds on the last, forming a comprehensive tapestry of knowledge that's not just rich in theory but steeped in real-world applications that'll arm you with the skills needed to navigate and thrive in the field. We've packed this course with hands-on examples, industry best practices, and collaborative exercises to ensure that by the end, you'll feel not only well-versed in the necessary tools and methodologies but also confident in your ability to marshal resources and lead tech teams to success. Think of this as your tailored roadmap to becoming an adept navigator in the dynamic waters of technical program management.


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  Module 1
Available in days
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  Module 2
Available in days
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  Module 4
Available in days
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  Module 5
Available in days
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  Module 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7
Available in days
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  Module 8
Available in days
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Your instructor

Mario R Gerard brings to "Technical Program Manager 101" a wealthful background matched perfectly to the interdisciplinary nature of the course. With over a decade of experience navigating the crossroads of technology and management, Mario has honed his skills leading teams through the complexities of product development and strategic planning. His journey has traversed a diverse landscape of organizational challenges, managing large-scale software projects, and spearheading innovative solutions that have left lasting impacts on the tech sector.

Mario's approach to teaching is deeply rooted in his fervent belief in the transformative power of technical program management. His teaching philosophy is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring his students to harness their potential to orchestrate change within the tech industry. The passion Mario holds for his field is reflected in his dedication to mentoring aspiring technical program managers, sharing insights from his wealth of experience, and tailoring his course to prepare students not just for today's challenges, but for the ever-evolving future of technology.


Building Blocks of Technical Program Management


Mastering the Planning and Execution of Technical Projects


A to Z of Managing Complex Tech Programs

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